Contribute Online
Use our online form to easily donate from any device!
Donate Directly or Make a Pledge
Send a check, payable to "Byerschool Foundation," or make a pledge by contacting us to conveniently arrange your payments over time. Checks can be mailed to Byerschool Foundation | 1911 Arch Street | Philadelphia, PA 19103, or call us for more information: 215-772-3053.
Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)
Your business can support the Russell Byers Charter School. EITC provides Pennsylvania companies with a tax credit of up to 90% for contributions to non-profit scholarship or educational improvement organizations.
Matching Gifts
Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Most of these programs match contributions dollar-for-dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift. Ask your employer about their Matching Gift program!
United Way
Visit United Way and use the Byerschool Foundation Donor Choice ID number: 14169.
More Ways to Give: Stock, Real Estate, Life Insurance, or Planned Gifts
Contact the Byerschool Foundation at 215-772-3053 or email Sandra Horrocks for more information about any of the options above.
Photo: Ryan Brandenberg